
Mountain Creeks to Metro Canals  – Online Student Research Symposium

This special webinar was developed to highlight the research of River Studies and Leadership Certificate (RSLC) participants and fellow students at RSLC institutions.  Join us to listen and learn from future river professionals as they present their findings in this virtual poster session.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 

The diverse lineup of presentations ranged from freshwater mussel restoration, flood modeling, and predator-prey ecology, to groundwater issues and conservation policy.

Time Student University Presentation
1:00 Katie Schmidt   Welcome
1:10 Jack Ryan Virginia Commonwealth University Assessing the feasibility of freshwater mussel restoration in urban and non-urban streams of Central Virginia
1:20 Rachel Henderson Virginia Commonwealth University Microbial Source Tracking of Fecal Contamination in the James River
1:30 Ryland Stunkle Virginia Commonwealth University Flood modelling of riverine rock pools using an unmanned aerial vehicle
1:40 Richie Dang Virginia Commonwealth University Identifying drivers of ecosystem production and respiration in riverine rock pools.
1:50 Andrew Davidson Virginia Commonwealth University Predicting warming’s impacts on mosquito control by larval predators
2:00 Riley Swanson Northern Arizona University Assessing Groundwater Resources in the Colorado River Basin: Quantifying Base Flow in the Greater Grand Canyon Region
2:10 James Major Northern Arizona University Utilizing Extant Conservation Policy to Fill Identified Gaps in Riverine Protected Areas
2:20 Katie Schmidt Virginia Commonwealth University Let it Flow: Restoring Dry River Reaches in the Southeast
2:30 Risa Shimoda River Management Society River Studies & Leadership Certificate Awards
2:40 Katie Schmidt   Closing


Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation