
Wild and Scenic Webinar Series January - June 2022

From January through June, the River Management Society’s (RMS) River Training Center will host a six-part webinar series for river managers and advocates exploring the application of the Wild and Scenic Rivers (WSR) Act. Instructors bring with them years of experience managing WSRs and Partnership WSRs within various states and agencies.
Wild and Scenic Webinar Series Graphic 2022

Participants will learn how federal WSR designation protects specific river values and river managers' responsibilities as caretakers and stewards of the rivers, once their designation takes place.

The content is relevant for both new and seasoned river rangers, and when the series was first offered in 2021, attendees called it “a huge help,” saying they wished it had been offered when they first began working as river managers.

Attendees must register for each webinar individually and are encouraged to attend all six sessions. Dates and registration links are below.

The series is offered at no cost to RMS members as a benefit of membership, and for $15 per webinar for non-members. Membership in RMS is available for $60 annually for Individual members, so joining offers a great value for new members, in addition to the other benefits they receive throughout the year.

For more information, please check out the flyer or email training(at)river-management.org.

Published Dec. 16, 2021

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