
River Safety Signage

RMS worked with McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group (division of Merrick & Company) to design 'know before you go' safety signage for the South Platte Working Group, with signage that we encourage you to use on your river to promote river safety. The signs are intended to be used as a package (although they may be used individually) to educate guests at the put-in about river safety, such as wearing a life jacket, boating sober and only going out at safe water levelsTo customize designs for your river, please email rms(at)river-management.org.

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You Are Here Wear It  Aim Between   
Go Together    
Be Courteous Be Smart



Outreach Suggestions

River Access / Put-in
  • Parking areas
  • Trails to the river
  • River Bank
  • Municipality parks and recreation departments
  • Neighborhood communities adjacent to and near the river
  • Organizations that organize trips - church and youth groups, outdoor activity clubs
Social Media
  • Pulse posts in season, quiet all winter to maintain novelty
  • Host online campaigns, such as a contest to name the duck*.
  • Encourage videos and photos taken with our safe tubing friends.
Print Fliers, Brochures
  • Produce branded outreach materials to use
  • Information kiosks and as parks department handouts.
  • Kids’ “business cards” in classrooms to bring home
  • Premiums featuring our river safety friends.
  • Create events that the media will cover:
  • Kickoff celebrations, ribbon cuttings
  • River safety anticipation of springtime runoff
  • *Announcement of duck naming contest winners
Up Close and Personal
  • Speak to residents about stories that reinforce the safety messages
  • Students in classrooms
  • Flash events such as a safety rope toss that rewards accuracy with donated river prizes