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ChaptersRegional chapters are the foundation of the Society. Each chapter has a set of bylaws (linked from their webpages below), elects its own officers, sponsors workshops and float trips, holds annual meetings, and conducts a variety of outreach activities in its region. The Board of Directors has established Chapter Officer Roles and a Charter for Chapters, both of which are linked below. For more information about upcoming chapter events in your area, please contact any of the officers listed below. Click on your chapter in the map to visit your chapter's webpage!![]() Chapter Officer ElectionsDo you love working for rivers? Are you a leader? Our Northeast, Southwest, Canada and Alaska Chapters are holding officer elections this year for the 2024-2027 term. Serving as an officer is an incredible opportunity to get to know and support river professionals in your region, regardless of experience in nonprofit leadership. To learn more about the joys, challenges and responsibilities of chapter leadership, please contact your current chapter or national officers, and visit the nomination form below to toss in your hat! Voting and holding office is restricted to Lifetime, Individual, Student and Organizational members. Thank you for your interest! Nominate yourself or a colleague
Chapter Officer RolesAs Amended September 9, 2003 PresidentThe President will preside at all the meetings of the Chapter and will represent the interests of the Chapter members. The President will provide direction to other Chapter officers. Chapter responsibilities: The President is responsible for overall communication with chapter members, contacting new members; coordinating two (2) Chapter events (with assistance from other officers and/or chapter members); representing the Society at regional events; appointing or electing State Stewards or sub-chapter representatives (optional); submitting quarterly Chapter updates for the Society newsletter; and organizing quarterly conference calls with Chapter officers and inviting the national President and Vice President. Society responsibilities: The President is responsible at the National Society level for attending national Society events; serving on the scholarship committee; participating in conference calls with the Board; attending Board meetings (or finding a replacement) and providing a written report of Chapter activities to the Board at its annual meeting. Vice PresidentChapter responsibilities: The Vice President will be responsible for contacting chapter members with expiring memberships and encourage them to renew. If not accomplished through other avenues, the Vice President, with assistance from fellow officers, will write chapter news and activities updates for chapter members twice during a calendar year. The Vice President will promote chapter/regional issues for inclusion in the biennial symposium and for other purposes; actively pursue articles of interest and coordinate with the Program Director when the Chapter is the focus of the newsletter. The Vice President will organize Chapter elections or a process for selection of officers. The Vice President will assist the President in planning and coordinating chapter activities as requested. Society responsibilities: The Vice President will serve as a member of one national committee or will recruit a chapter member to do so. SecretaryChapter responsibilities: The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining current membership lists, (including email and phone numbers) and adding new members to the list. The Secretary will record and compile minutes from officer and chapter meetings and conduct timely mailing of minutes to the chapter membership. As requested by chapter officers, the secretary will also conduct mailings of chapter news, activity updates, etc. The Secretary will assist the Vice President in actively pursuing articles of interest and coordinating with the Program Director when the Chapter is the focus of the newsletter. The Secretary will track any chapter displays and events for the Society’s national display and keep records of events the Chapter is involved in. The Secretary will manage seasonal training opportunities or job shares within the chapter and notify chapter members of these opportunities. The Secretary will assist the President in planning and coordinating chapter activities as requested. Society responsibilities: The Secretary will serve on the national RMS Membership Committee or will recruit a chapter member to do so. The Secretary will forward articles and documents of special interest to the National Secretary for incorporation into the Society’s historical records. Events CoordinatorChapter responsibilities: Events Coordinator will plan, coordinate, organize and participate (when possible) in all Northwest Chapter events. Events Coordinator will coordinate at least three events per calendar year to include the River Ranger Rendezvous every other year. Events Coordinator will accomplish this by doing the work themselves, recruiting chapter members to coordinate events in their location, and using assistance from other chapter officers. Chapter events include, but are not limited to, workshops, trainings, river trips, gatherings and a River Ranger Rendezvous every other year. Coordinator will update routinely the RMS Facebook page and website in cooperation with the Executive Director. Events Coordinator will assist other chapter officers with membership and other chapter duties as requested. Society responsibilities: Events Coordinator will serve on the National RMS fund raising committee or recruit a chapter member to do so. The Events Coordinator will assist the Executive Director with national RMS events. Charter for ChaptersEvery year, each Society Chapter will: