
RMS Membership

Member Benefits

The River Management Society is the nation's premier network connecting those who work on and for rivers with their river professional peers including outfitters and guides, rangers, planners and landscape architects, fluvial geomorphologists, environmental lawyers and policymakers, students, professors, researchers and authors.

Rivers are our life's work! Through communication, outreach, training and resources, we support the individuals who study, protect and manage North America's rivers.

Membership allows you to stay connected and updated with what's happening in your field and related areas of river management, as well as sharing opportunities, questions, solutions and jobs with other members. 

We have a membership level for everyone interested in rivers, so please review levels and benefits below and join today! Contact [email protected] with questions regarding membership or renewal.

Why Join?

“For those working in river management, RMS is a great resource. I really appreciated professionals from so many different organizations being a part of RMS. If you have questions or issues, it is easy to get answers and a variety of perspectives. Whether it be through emails, the newsletters, or the symposiums, you always had a variety of ways to learn new information and get questions answered. The river trips were always fun and informative as well. It was great to be a member for 25 years!” 

- Bill Blackwell, Retiree and Former RMS Member for 25 Years

& Levels






$75/yr. (1-2 ppl.)
$150/yr. (3-4 ppl.)
$300/yr. (5-8 ppl.)


$60/year or
$240 for 5 years 



Receive biweekly News Digest email (RMS and partner news) and share announcements, jobs and grants  Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark
Access members-only website and resources  Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark
Post questions / answers via RMS Listserv and archives
 Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark Check Mark 
Receive digital copy of quarterly RMS Journal and write articles
Check Mark  Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark 
Access RMS Member Directory Check Mark  Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark   Check Mark
Invitations / discounts for river trips, workshops and the biennial Symposium Check Mark  Check Mark Check Mark   Check Mark  Check Mark
Chapter networking and trips Check Mark  Check Mark Check Mark  Check Mark  Check Mark 
May be nominated for RMS Awards Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Leadership / public speaking opportunities Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Access to RMS Facebook group Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Teaching / training certification Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
 Printed copy of quarterly 
RMS Journal
 X X   Check Mark *  Check Mark Check Mark 
Participation in Professional
Purchase Program
 X X   Check Mark** Check Mark  Check Mark 
Vote and hold office (after one year of membership) Check Mark X    Check Mark
Check Mark Check Mark
Eligible for Professional 
Scholarship Program
 Check Mark X X  Check Mark  Check Mark 
Lifetime Member Certificate & Letter of Appreciation
X X X X Check Mark


* Organizational members receive one printed copy of each RMS Journal for their organization.
** Participation in the Professional Purchase Program is limited to one designated member per organization per calendar year.

2022 Membership Map

2022 Membership Map

Federal Employee Information

If you are a federal employee, the following is good information about Federal Employees' Service on Non-Profit Boards: