
Feb. 9 Conversation: Managing User Conflicts: Separation, Changed Norms, or Uneasy Truce?

User Conflicts. Nenana River, Alaska. Photo by Doug Whittaker.

Join the River Programs Working Group Conversation!

Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 3:30 - 4:30 ET

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Conflicts between groups are among the toughest challenges faced by resource managers. What makes a conflict? What are the solutions? Why is it important to solve conflicts before tackling other problems? Join RMS and our presenters with Confluence Research and Consulting: Bo Shelby, Dan Shelby and Doug Whittaker as we explore these topics and solutions.  

When you register, you will be asked to share  an example of a conflict from your experience (one sentence or less).

About the River Programs Working Group Conversations
Each month, the River Management Society hosts virtual conversations with professional river, greenway, and water trails leaders, planners, and managers whose community, region, state and federal river will benefit from the experiences of peer-to-peer sharing. Our goal is to facilitate an open forum to support your work managing rivers. We work together to tackle common issues by asking questions, sharing solutions and building comradery. These conversations are free and open to members and non-members on the second Tuesday of the month from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ET.